In July 2019, Best Fake Cartier Watches teamed up with the brand’s best friend, China’s new generation star, Lu Han, to present a new blockbuster “Secret Yourself” for the JUSTE UN CLGU series with independent freedom. The modern city of the streetscape transformed into a beautiful stage. The Luhan wears the Cartier JUSTE UN CLGU series. In rhythmic music, bravely releases itself, and confidently controls the pulse of the world. On the road of chasing dreams, Together with JUSTE UN CLGU, the word “nail” belongs to the era of “I”.

I always knew what I wanted, went to the goal, and was not disturbed. And I am independent of myself. —— Luhan


JUSTE UN CLGU, born in the 1970s, is a classic symbol of immortality and fanaticism. Its name, the original meaning is “I, is a nail”, and the actual connotation is far more than that. From the hands of Cartier’s ghost designer Aldo Cipullo, JUSTE UN CLGU’s inspiration comes from the usual hardware tools. Still, with its simple and unique shape, it gives the wearer a unique and avant-garde temperament. For more than 40 years, no matter how the times change, JUSTE UN CLGU has always conveyed the infinite desire for freedom and independence.
Every era is active with such a group of pioneers who adhere to themselves and do not follow the trend. They pursue their dreams in their unique way, thinking independently, spiritual freedom, expressing themselves in their way, knowing the world, and thinking about life. It seems to be rebellious and seemingly unruly, but it is substantial and courageous. Lu Han, the 90-year-old generation of positive energy idols, with his tenacity and courage, has become a pioneer that cannot be ignored in this era, and this is where JUSTE UN CLGU fits with Luhan.


Luhan never stops, does not Compromise the pursuit of dreams. As he sang in his song: “Life can only move forward, and those who believe in faith are heroes.”


In this short film without a line and no slogan, Luhan once again showed her self. In the colorful urban background, she expressed the spirit of JUSTE UN CLGU with confident and bold dance steps. Every firm looks, and every powerful action shows the same firm attitude. He collided with JUSTE UN CLGU passionately, like the electric light flint that erupted through the resistance of time, and boldly told the world: I, nail myself! He is Luhan, and he is also the pioneer of every era, self-confident, self-confident, bold, and angular, embracing the charm of the era created by Cartier Replica JUSTE UN CLGU.


Fashionable and not mediocre, individual yet straightforward, sought after but not drifting, JUSTE UN CLGU is always with the pioneers of each era, conveying endless vitality and forge ahead, releasing true self, eclectic.
“I, ‘nail’ righteous to myself!”